Thursday, April 27, 2006

random thoughts... again

I haven't been able to update my blog regularly these days. (Forgive me for stating the obvious. Hehe) I know, it's a terrible pity. My visitors and friends don't know a thing about me and my life here in Texas. I haven't replied to their emails, nor answered their YM messages.

It's probably because I do such a sleazy job in managing my time. When the deadlines for unwritten lab reports and online quizzes loom ever so near, it's almost impossible for me to think of anything interesting to write about.

And so, in the few moments I could spare from the hustle and bustle of each day, the most I could do while surfing the Net is posting very brief comments on my friends' blogs.

On second thought, maybe I'm just being too lazy. When there's nothing left to do, snoozing, for me, is and always will be a more delightful recreation than writing. Haha.

But fortunately, the semester will be over in two weeks. No more pre-labs on nucleophiles and IR spectra, or midterm papers about the Mexican American War. Plus, I won't be taking summer classes, so I'll be free to do as I please for three long months!

Cancel that thought. I still can't drive. Here in the vast expanse of South Texas, it's either I drive a car, or I'm stranded where I'm at (unless a kind stranger offers me a ride.) Forget about walking -- after a few minutes outside, I'd be withering under the sizzling rays of the summer sun like straw in the furnace. It's hot here. As in, hot-hot.

And besides, the restaurants and supermarkets and whatnot are so far apart that it'd take me 15 minutes to trudge from one place to another. Without one of my parents driving the car, I'd be stuck in our crummy apartment for the rest of my vacation.

Oh, I forgot to tell ya, my father and I will be volunteering at the Rio Grande Regional Hospital in McAllen. After we'll have completed a hundred and fifty hours of volunteer service, we'll be eligible for a thousand-dollar scholarship apiece. And it's very easy to qualify for it, they said. Astig, 'no? Volunteer na nga, may bayad pa. Haha.


Anonymous said...

any new of you, is good news for me .:)

Anonymous said...

wow, feeling ko may Texan accent ka na just while reading your post hahaha... don't ask why, basta yun lang pumasok sa isip ko hahaha.