Saturday, March 17, 2007


Three short days before spring break oh-seven draws to a close, yet I've barely achieved anything of importance. Well, if you could consider a once-in-a-blue-moon dust wiping and carpet vacuuming of one's bedroom a significant and worthwhile task, there's one, at least. Even then, the thick pile of paperwork for my Clinicals class that's waiting for me to fill out remains untouched on my table.

Right now I feel like a tortoise basking under the hot sun. A warm uncomfortable tingling feeling radiates from my shoulders up to my head, and it's making me dizzy and lazy and sluggish enough that I couldn't even lift myself up from this chair.

Maybe it's just because I slept too much. Or ate too much. We bought two giant packs of Fritos from Sam's just a few days ago and now my family's enormous appetite has reduced it to a flimsy, half-opened plastic bag.

Whatever the cause, I don't feel like doing anything, at all. The cogs in my mind have jolted to a halt, and it doesn't feel very good. A verse from the Psalms comes to my mind.

When my soul was embittered,
when I was pricked in heart,
I was brutish and ignorant;
I was like a beast toward you.
Psalm 73.26

And then I realize that in the midst of the steaming bowls of microwaved Fritos with cheese, and Blockbuster movies and Youtube-recorded TV show episodes, I've forgotten what really matters most to me -- my life, my sustenance, the everlasting fountain of sparkling water that soothes my parched lips: the Word of God.

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