Thursday, December 06, 2007

alive and kicking

So I made up my mind to start writing again. It might take a while to resurrect this stinking blue and white cadaver of a blog, but it could be worth all the effort.

Yes, worth something for you, and me, both of us, dear reader. For you, because this post and the ones that will succeed it are all that connect (albeit tenuously) your conception of me, to the reality of me -- yes, I still am alive and kicking.

For me, because the word-churning machine that is my brain has long laid rusting and rotting under inches of virtual dust due to utter disuse, and I will be needing its trusty cogs and wheels in a little less than a month for my (dreaded) SATs.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Im new to the whole blogging concept, I just launched my first website, and blog.
Check it out and let me know what you think and how I can improve.
My website or My Blog


Anonymous said...

Well, Jef it's good to see that you've recommitted yourself to writing this blog. So, what's up? Have you been reading and studying the section of Philipians we went over last Sunday?

Vaya con Dios,
Daniel F.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jef! How are things going! I have a Multiply site, check it out at

God bless!