Friday, November 25, 2005


I hate myself.

I give up so easily, I let go, and say yes to the enemy's wiles. I succumb to pride, envy and self-pity at the slightest hint of temptation. Though I know it will only result in a maddening cycle of itching and scratching, yet I still do it.

Why? Because I choose to turn away from Him.

An unholy dissatisfaction in God creeps unnoticed into my psyche. I forsake the Fountain of living water for broken cisterns I have hewed myself. I exchange His incorruptible glory for the idols of my heart. I choose creation over the Creator.

And too late I realize what my foolishness has caused. My sin has separated me from Him, and I stand condemned.

1 comment:

delusion angel said...

He is able and willing to forgive all our sins if only we repent. remember that pride goes before a fall.

~ate janna