Thursday, October 12, 2006


Woohoo! This is fun. I just moved to Blogger beta a few minutes ago. I've been dying to know how to since I noticed that Lance did. I didn't expect that it would take a mere two clicks to upgrade my account. The rate at which technology outruns itself simply astonishes me!

The new interface looks much sleeker. Plus, the label function for the posts appears to be a pretty nifty addition. As an aside, have you heard that Google, the very same company who owns Blogger, bought Youtube for $1.65 billion? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? [cough]world domination[cough]

I won't have any qualms about the Google triumvirate -- Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Eric Schmidt -- reigning over the globe, as long as they provide me their services for free. As if that would happen even in my dreams.

1 comment:

Lance said...

onga jef, eh. ang cool no? kaso, i'm havin problems with the comments. di napupublish. hehehe.

astig yung labels.